Native ACE Program
This program is designed to develop, test, and demonstrate the effectiveness of programming that improves access to educational services for Indian children in Adair County, Oklahoma, enabling parental choice for student achievement.
Accessing Choices in Education
The project will focus on Parent/Student choices keying in on social/emotional growth and academic achievement. The Native ACE project will be in your school through September 2025. Participating schools and school districts are Cave Springs (K-12), Bell (5-8), Dahlonegah (5-8), Peavine (5-8), Rocky Mountain (5-8), and Zion (5-8). Partners include the Cherokee Nation, Cherokee Nation Foundation, and Cherokee Nation Education Services Department.
Native ACE Project offers students and parents an opportunity to choose services to increase educational success. This Parent Portal has been developed to collect student and parent surveys. These will be collected on a yearly basis; however, parents and students also have access to choose from a comprehensive list of evidence-based, culturally responsible programs aimed at improving Native American student achievement during the school year.